KAMRA Inlays for Presbyopia

KAMRA For Those Who Hate Reading Glasses

The KAMRA inlay treatment is a new procedure that restores near vision and frees you from the on-off, where-are-they-now frustration of reading glasses!  It is ideal for active people between the ages of 40-60 looking to reduce their need for reading glasses throughout the day.

The KAMRA inlay:

  • Restores everyday vision so you can see text messages, a computer screen and the time on your wrist watch, without reaching for reading glasses
  • Provides a natural range of vision – from near to far – without blurry zones
  • Offers a long-term solution that will help you enjoy clear near vision over time


How KAMRA Works

The KAMRA inlay, much smaller and thinner than a contact lens, slips into a tiny pocket at the front of the cornea.  Its mini-ring shape has a pinhole opening in the center.  This pinhole is what restores near vision. The KAMRA inlay is placed in only one eye, allowing you to see up close, while maintaining your distance vision in both eyes. Your non-KAMRA eye is left untouched. Working together, the eyes allow you to see a fuller range of vision – near to far. This is similar to monovision laser vision correction, which corrects one eye for near and one eye for distance, but requires no tissue removal.


The Kamra Procedure

From start to finish, the KAMRA® inlay procedure will take about 20 minutes.  Numbing drops are used to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. You may feel slight pressure while the laser pocket is created to hold the inlay.   Once the numbing drops wear off, your eye may feel irritated or scratchy and you may also experience tearing or light sensitivity. This is normal. We’ll provide medications to help you manage these symptoms. You will need a driver to take you home after the procedure.

As with any eye surgery, healing is a process.  Adhering to the recovery instructions will accelerate your progress.  It is important to remember that the amount and pace of near vision improvement varies by individual.  While some patients see an improvement within the first week to a month, others may require additional time to heal. Most patients resume normal activities and return to work within 24-48 hours.


Kamra Results

Enjoy Near Tasks Without Reading Glasses with KAMRA Inlays for Presbyopia - Visit Dr. Gregory Kent at The Eye Associates

It is typical to experience some fluctuations in your vision in the first three to six months after surgery.  This is often a sign of dry eye or your brain adapting to the new vision. These will stabilize.  The key to success are to be patient with the recovery process and diligent in following the post-op instructions.

Keep in mind that some KAMRA patients may still require reading glasses for activities such as reading tiny print or reading in low light.  Rest assured that if the inlay does not provide the improvement you desire, it can be removed.


Am I A KAMRA Candidate?  Schedule Your Consult.

If you’re frustrated with your reading glasses and are looking for a long-lasting solution to near vision loss, it’s time to learn about the KAMRA™ inlay. Schedule your free consultation to find out if you’re a KAMRA candidate.

Schedule KAMRA Consultation

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